This is an open discussion with 8 replies, filed under Ensembles.
Nice one!
But if I understand correctly, this ensemble is just templates-only? So no functionality for the forum, login, agenda, reservations, etc…?
It would be great if someone could pick this up to implement the actual functionality in this one. It really, really demonstrates the power of Symphony: create really small and simple sites as well as full-blown complex intranet systems.
Correct. These are templates only. No functionality.
If anyone wants to make this a community supported ensemble, it would be a great project to support non-profit organizations needing a good starting point to get their ideas off the ground. Spread the Symphony love while spreading the love of Symphony. :-)
It was created as a template for the UGM Intranet. Sadly, it was implemented in Drupal. From what little I know, it was a painful build.
Beautiful design!
Thanks, Rainer. :-)
A superb ensemble, thumbs up!
This really visualized for me the possibilities (and flexibility) of Symphony.
Thanks, wapiwapi. Maybe 23 hours at Barcamp Vancouver will be enough to build out the functionality. We’ll see.
Looks great Bauhouse. Seems that your ensemble design template named "Intranet" is based on my Multiflex-5.4 HTML/CSS template. For a long time I have been looking for a CMS with XML/XSLT standards with which to implement my templates and develop new ones in the future. After dropping my plans due to not finding any CMS a few years ago, and then pushing for a final search mission last week, I eventually discovered Symphony and immediately fell in love with it. I have now decided to make Symphony my CMS of choice from now on. After making my decision I felt like scrolling through the ensembles and by chance discovered your Ensemble "Intranet". What a joy it was to see a modified version of my own favorite template already implemented for Symphony. Perfect starter present! Thanks again!!
It looks more like the fact that your template was based on your modified version of 960Grid and/or FluidGrids instead of on my template. Sorry for the mixup and thanks again. Anyway, still a lot of common ideas involved.
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A new ensemble, “Intranet” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.