Dynamic Flash
This is an open discussion with 3 replies, filed under Ensembles.
Hi, Tell me what you think about this? We are about to release a Silex template so that you can have front (Flash) and back (Symphony) working together :)
Hi, very promising the combination Symphony + Silex. I've installed both the ensemble and the Silex package, but how to build an elementary template in Silex to make use of the gallery element and so on ?
Are you the same personas Florian here http://community.silexlabs.org/silex/forum_en/topic.php?id=887
I have made the answer bellow, and I posted several suggestions in the ensemble issue tracker.
The Silex template we did, which to works with this ensemble has not been made public yet, but I put it here for you to play with it: http://hoyau.info/transfert/dynamic_demo.zip
You will have to install the Silex server which is in silexserver and which contains the latest version of the Symphony ensemble. Silex install is like Symphony installation except that it does not require a database (simply open the location of silexserver and follow instructions). And once you have done this, you should read the file silex_server/plugins/symphony/readme.txt
Then you will have a Flash site driven by symphony, but only the content, not the structure as I explain it bellow. Here is a demo of the ensemble+Silex part: http://demos.silexlabs.org/dynamic_demo/
We have several issues with this "side project" of Silex and Symphony. If you would like to help, please tell me what skills you have.
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A new ensemble, “Dynamic Flash” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.