

I have a Case-Study page, which takes a title parameter so it becomes:


Is there a way for me to add a support page for that specific project so it can then go:



Yes you can, using the URL router extension.

Whoa, cheers for the very quick response!

I’ll have a look into it see if I can work it.

Seems to be broke on Symphony 2.12, in the preferences clicking the “Add item” doesn’t do anything. Any solutions?

I don’t know if it’s the best solution (you have to modify the core and it might have side-effects), but changing line 440 of symphony/assets/admin.js from

t.eq(j).clone(true).appendTo(w).animate({height: h[j]}, function() {
    $('input:not([type=hidden]), select, textarea', this).eq(0).focus();


t.eq(j).clone(true).appendTo(w).removeClass('template').animate({height: h[j]}, function() {
    $('input:not([type=hidden]), select, textarea', this).eq(0).focus();


Isn’t this a bug that has been issued before?

@kanduvisla - I think it has, but I don’t think it’s been fixed.

@klaftertief - I don’t really want to modify the core unless there definitely is no side-effects.

That worked Nick. Now to figure it out! :P

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