
I have a for-each loop on one of my pages, but I’m needing to inject some HTML code after every 3 items in the loop, how could I go about this in XSL?

So I should end up with something like this:

Item One
Item Two
Item Three
some HTML code
Item Four
Item Five
Item Six
some HTML code
Item Seven
Item Eight
Item Nine
some HTML code

If your using a Loop to Output your data, this would work:

<xsl:for-each select="/data/item">
    <!-- Item Output -->
    <xsl:if test="position() mod 3 = 0">
        <!-- Some HTML here -->

(Only Tested it in Xselerator)

@michael-e: Thanks for the link!

@zippo, that worked well, as I was using a for-each, I opted for that. I must start using the apply-template technique instead mind!

If your using a Loop to Output your data, this would work:

It will also only work if you don’t have to wrap your groups of three inside another element.

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