
The focus of Revision 4 was to hook up some parts of the Extensions API. Here is a list of changes so far.


  • Added delegates for adding Event filters, appending preference options to the System > Preferences page and a delegate for adding items to the Admin page head


  • #64: Clean installs will no longer included all the field data tables of the default theme.
  • #93: Fixed bug with date field that prevented it from validating if no date was specified. It should always use the current date if none is set.
  • #86: Fixed styling bug related to Delete buttons.
  • #82: Fixed Opera JS bugs.
  • #84: Fixed Opera JS bug.
  • #89: Fixed Debug and Profile browser history.
  • #87: Fixed fatal error when EntryManager class attempts to build entries and no rows where returned from the database.
  • #91: Taglist field will not throw warnings to the log when there is no value for that field.
  • #80: Fixed errors related to having no Sections in the system. This effected the Author area, Taglist and Section fields.
  • #92: Fixed problem with deleting DS's. The DS was removed, however a page alert incorrectly reported it had not been.

I should also mention that released along side revision 4 will be two Extensions: Akismet and An un-named new field type (Thats not true, it has been named, but i want it to be mysterious!)

Awesome. You guys don't take many breaks from kicking ass, huh?

Revision 4 is available now from the Symphony Accounts page.

Thanks for the new revision, can't wait to check out the new extensions.

Update from rev 1 was flawless. Thanks!

Wonderful! I haven't been able to follow Symphony 2's development up until now because of exams, so I can't wait to check this out!

This is really a solid release. I've been using it to build a new project (that is due to launch in April) so hopefully Symphony 2 will be finalized by then.

Did you notice this comment of Scott's, Noel? Key phrase:

...this will hopefully be implemented by S2b6, in a way which will break compatibility with previous beta builds.



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