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This is a closed discussion with 45 replies, filed under Extensions.
@designermonkey I wouldn’t find it problematic morally to take money for such a project, as long as the result will still be open source.
@nickdunn *cough*
Hmmm... I have a higher moral value than my colleague Symphonists. It's no wonder I'm poor. (muses to self).
Well, if it seems to be ok to get paid for FOSS work, then I shall retract the previous statement.
Nick, I'll expect that donation soon then yeah?
After having read this endless discussion I tend to keep those 100000 bucks for myself.
I got stuck in this thread, and therefore missed this one for two months m(
Yeah, can the Admins close this now, it's a dead end...
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Shame, I was going to donate a shitload of cash to you. But if you don't want it, I'll go on holiday instead.