
I have searched the forums and looked through the issue trackers and couldn’t find anything relating to this problem, so i thought i would make a quick post.

I am running Symphony 2.2RC3 with ckeditor installed. Upon clicking on the “browse server” button in either the hyperlink or image dialogs, I am greeted with the following error.

Fatal error: Call to a member function appendChild() on a non-object in /symphony/lib/toolkit/class.administrationpage.php on line 344

This is because $this->Wrapper is currently ‘null’. Therefore i believe when extentions try and build an administration page they are failing to call the build() function which creates the Wrapper variable.

I have seen some weird behaviour with the dashboard extention aswell when opening the create markdown window.

I guess my question is, is this a known issue, and if so, what do extention writers call when creating a administation page without the default layout.

And thanks for a great piece of software.

Has the ckEditor extension been updated for Symphony 2.2 compatibility? 2.2 changes things in a way that extensions for prior version will break.

It does say “unsure” under 2.2 compatibility.

I am most likely going to be creating some custom extentions in the near future, with this popup functionality. Will be interesting to see how these extentions handle it in 2.2.

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