
Anyone still alive in this community? :P

Maybe you should give a bit more context to your question?
What do you think?

When you create an Event you have the option to add an Event Filter named "Send Notification Email". This will fire an action where when the event is used, for example to submit a form, the System will send an email to an author (by using the hidden type inputs configured in the form itself).

This method works fine in the "vanilla" Symphony instalation.

When using the method described in this thread, that is not the case. The data is still saved on the DB, so both the load() and associated _trigger are fired. The associated filter isn't used tough and no email gets sent.

I've also tried to program the method directly in the __trigger function (sending the email) but nothing.

I was wondering if anyone has had this experience too, or has developed a workaround to send ajax submits AND send emails after the saved data is triggered in anyway.

Thank you :)

As the event is a standard Symphony event, if the filter is correctly attached to the event in the admin, then it will send emails.

This is still a 'vanilla' Symphony things as it uses Pages and Events. I can't see why it would be different whether fired via ajax or manually.

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