

Can you say me what is different in /data/params/root-page and /data/params/current-page?

it's values are same in 2.2 for any pages! (even for "page-not-found")

They're not the same if you have sub-pages. With: page/subpage, the current-page is 'subpage' and the root-page is 'page'.

Oh! Got it! Thanks, kanduvisla!

Well... So, what XPath expression should i use to determine root page of entire site?


fawx, thank you! And excuse me for my not clear question... i'm sick in english. =(

{$root} returns value like ""

I was needed to got the handle of the index page.

But i've found the way already. It is "/data/navigation/page[types/type='index']/@handle"

If you want you know the page currently displayed, you should just be able to use $current-page.

Nils, thank you for useful notice!

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