
I'm trying to set up a blog so that hitting: 

lists all blog entries. And that by going to an individual entry:

shows just that entry.

I believe I understand a way to make this work, which is to create two data sources: one that contains all entries, unfiltered; and one that is filtered by entry. Then I would include both of these Data Sources in one Page and use a little logic to show one or the other. The problem is that the resulting source XML will always contain all the articles AND the one entry I need, which seems wasteful.

So my questions are: is this a performance problem? Is there a better way to do this but still retain this URL structure and behavior?

A similar topic was covered a bit in this post but the answer when applied to my situation seemed to have a same result: one big XML page.

You can also use a single data source: take your filtered data source and set a higher number of returned items (it's 1 at the moment, I guess). On the overview page the data source will not be filtered as your page parameter is empty. So it will either show one or multiple entries based on the URL context.

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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