
Symphony worked fine last night, but in the morning I get an errorpage: "Symphony System Error Line 74 –" What`s this? Line 74 in which file? I get this error in backend and frontend. Any tips?


I second this. Any suggestions from developers? Alistair, anyone?

I had problems with the MySQL-database. When i restarted MySQL-server, the error disepeard.. So i think this maybe has something to do with the database connection..?

You are correct. That is a MySQL DB connection problem. Not showing an error properly is a bug, and I've fixed it for the next revision.

I have no means to restart database (site running on a virtual host) and I still get the same error. Inside the driver (class.mysql.php) connection['id'] is a resource, but when called outside (class.symphony.php, "initializeDatabase" function) it fails isresource() check in isConnected() function. Any leads?

hmm. Try forcing the isConnected() function to return true and see what happens.

I get "Page not found" on an index page and can't log in to control panel.

This a live site?

Yeah, you can check it at Default page is my static site for now, index.html. Would you like me to set the isConnected to true or false?

Any chance I can get FTP access?

Sure thing, I'll e-mail it to you.

I've spent some time debugging your site 2sheds, however I've not found the problem. The Line 71 - error was easy enough to get rid of (I just threw in some updated code for Revision 5), but now there appears to be erratic behaviour when trying to log in. Logging in worked, for awhile, but then the cookie seems to magically disappear and I couldn't log in again, no matter what I did. I checked the database object and it has been created correctly and a connection established. Strange. I will take another look at it later.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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