
A new extension, "Sort Data Source by Parameters" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

This extension modifies Data Source edit page to allow entering parameters to be used for sort and order options.


Sort Data Source by Parameters updated to version 1.1 on 27th of June 2012

I’ve been overlooking this extension for far too long, so many thanks Marcin!

@ahwayakchih or anyone else: do you have an idea how one could achieve a previous/next-entry navigation while being able to have multiple possible sort orders?

Following scenario:

  • a datasource with multiple filters and sort orders via SDSbP
  • > 50.000 possible entries in the section

For performance-reasons one obviously wouldn’t want to retrieve the whole set of entries for finding the next/prev entry ids.

Most of the solutions I could find in the forum use a custom DS with a fixed sort order. I would love to have a solution that listens to sort order parameters.

Thanks for any hints!

EDIT: typos and so …

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