
A new extension, "Duplicate Section" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Oooh, this could be very useful! Thanks!

@designermonkey: Oooo yes.. I finished it last Friday (took me maybe three hours) and today I already got a 100% ROI :)

I often have sections that are 95% to 100% similar to other existing one ...

Next up, ducplicate DS, and auto create DS when creating a new section :) What to you think about that ?

mmmmm that sounds goood! Auto create when creating a new section sounds very handy!

@moonoo2: Yes I would love to have that ! Would you include all fields in the auto-created DS ? I would not sorting nor filter anything thought...

Great ! Thanks, Nitriques. That's Really useful for my workflow :)

@nitriques.. hmmm would there be an option to duplicate all filters or leave unfiltered for altering later maybe? and fields wise, I guess it's a personal prefernce... I guess I'd want all fields and then removed the ones I don't need at a later date/the next phase after duplication?

@moonoo2: yes I think you are right...

@vladG: You are welcome !

I haven't tested yet, but this should work well with my Duplicate Entries extension which, if it detects two sections of the same fields, shows a drop down beside the save entry button allowing you to choose to copy the entry into another identical section.

@nickdunn: Wow.... nice, I love the convergence! Why wouldn't it work ? :)

@everybody: The ext duplicate the section and append the current time to the name to assure uniqueness... Would you like something else ? It is the first thing that came into my mind

The current uniqueness method is just fine. It's obvious that someone will change the name of the duplicated section.

@vladG: That's my though too.

It would be cool if you could export this as a sort of "package" (.sql file?) that could be reused along projects too.


It would be cool if you could export this as a sort of "package" (.sql file?) that could be reused along projects too.

Packages extension should handle everything like this ... Too bad it isn't working 100%.

@fazal: I second @vladG on that

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