

I need a little advice...

Lets say I have a section named projects with the following DS and content entries:

  • Project 1 (Project-Title, Project-Description)
  • Project 2 (Project-Title, Project-Description)

And for each projects section entry I have a section called changelog with a DS like:

  • Date
  • Description

Now comes the tricky part for me: If I add another project I also need a new changelog section. And this should be "automatically" available.

FIRST ATTEMPT: I've started with only one changelog section/DS and filtered the changelogs by project title.

BUT with a growing number of changelogs this is hard to maintain and I wanted to separate the changelogs for each project (separate sections).

And that's where I'm stuck.

You have a separate changelog section for each project? The easiest way is to have two sections: Projects and Changelog. Use a Select Box Link in the Changelog section to point back to the Projects section. Or use the Subsection Manager extension to create the changelog entries inline, in the same view as the edit project form.

Nick, what you've suggested was my first attempt. What I have named "changelog" is more like a history with missing pieces(new entries) being added and re-ordered. Not like a software changelog... Therefor I thought of separate sections.

What I have named "changelog" is more like a history with missing pieces(new entries) being added and re-ordered. Not like a software changelog... Therefor I thought of separate sections.

That shouldn't matter though, should it? If it's always being filtered by the Project id (via the Select Box Link), you'll get only the relevant project's changelog entries.

That shouldn't matter though, should it? If it's always being filtered by the Project id (via the Select Box Link), you'll get only the relevant project's changelog entries.

I am not that concerned about displaying the data but maintaining/adding it. In other words is there also an option to "filter" them in the backend. (Restricting access (author roles) for some projects may be needed in the future, too)

Sorry for making this so complicated...

In general, if your structure of your content is the same, put it into the same section. Using the Select Box Link you will get a column in the Projects table linking through to associated Changelog entries. Hide the Changelog section from the navigation and the only way to see them is via a project.

Take a look at Symphony's default blog workspace. This is how blog posts and comments are structured, which is identical to your case.

Using the Select Box Link you will get a column in the Projects table linking through to associated Changelog entries. Hide the Changelog section from the navigation and the only way to see them is via a project.

Wasn't aware of the "select box linking" to get a filtered view of the linked sections. That's exactly what I was looking for thanks!

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