
I'm creating a portfolio area of a website. I've created a page with an url parameter. So, if there is no title, the page should display a list. If there is a title, the page should display the contents of the corresponding item.

There is one section for the portfolio page content: a general description about the released works, meta-tags, page title etc.

There is another section for the items that will be displayed in the list. It contains a short description, the content, title, images (subsection manager), meta info etc).

I created 3 data sources: One for the portfolio main page, another with the list of items containing just the title and short description fields ant the last one with the whole item content (to be filtered from the title url parameter).

Now, the questions: Can i load the main page and the list ds's just when there is no value for the title? Is this the best way to create a portfolio page? How can i output to the xml just the first item in the subsection manager.

I guess i could make it work someway, but the result would not be very nice. I don't want to output a lot of unused data!

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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