
Great tip on the dragging ashooner, and indeed finder is sufficient, so perm is not the problem. Now it seems that I do had cachefiles, after I changed the time and unchecked the hide comments box. Will investigate to see if too short time or checkbox possibly causes a bug. Or maybe... I just need to reopen my finder window to 'refresh' the contents...some latency in showing up of new files in apache2?....

It created some files, I disabled it, and now when reenabled it doesn't create files anymore. strange...

btw makenosound, can we use params in the blacklist? ea:


So we dont have to change when exporting as ensemble to deploy from local to live.

@newnomad: At the moment you can't use params in the list of excluded pages but you shouldn't need to either. If you input the URLs relative to the $root then it should give you the portability you're after. The following rules should give you the same result:*

Thanks Max,

however now the site is deployed, pages are still randomly not neing cached. I appears pages are only being added to the cache file on the 2nd visit after the set time from a first visit has elapsed?

I would asume that once the cache is one, and you visit a page for the first time, it is written to cache, nomatter what time is set?

When setting really short times it seems to work better, but the home/index page isnt written to cache?…

bump, anyone has the same issue of it seemingly not working randomly, or not grasping the way it works?

@newnomad: I can’t seem to replicate the issue you have. I’ve just tested on a clean install with the latest version and it works as expected. The only thing I can think of that might be muddling you up is that—to ensure you don’t cache any user-specific content—it doesn’t cache anything if you’re logged into Symphony.

Could that be the problem?

I was having trouble excluding pages using this extension. What happens is that I would type a page, for example, /about, and the extension would incorrectly set the page as //about causing it not to be excluded.

I was able to fix this by changing:

if (substr($r, -1) != '/') $r = "/" . $r; # Make sure we're matching `/url/blah` not `url/blah


if (substr($r, 0, 1) != '/') $r = "/" . $r; # Make sure we're matching `/url/blah` not `url/blah

There was an error in the logic on github.

@scottkf: My bad, thanks for picking that up. Fixed now.

Thanks! And thanks for the extension as well.

thanks, but you forgat to update Version: 0.1.3 and build date in the extension driver, it stills shows up as 012.

@newnomad: Ta. I don’t imagine this will be the last time I make that mistake. Fixed now.

FYI 2.0.5 breaks cachelite because of

Made HTMLpage::$_headers part of the Page class instead, and changed to protected.

Ah. Apologies. I can work with you on making your extension compatible. Let me know.

I’ve added an issue to the CacheLite extension

FYI: I’ve updated the extension to be compatible with Symphony 2.0.6. Anyone using Symphony 2.0.4 or 2.0.5 should upgrade to 2.0.6 and use the latest version of CacheLite. If you’re using Symphony 2.0.3 or lower you can pull down the 0.1.6 release from GitHub.

There are more detailed notes on usage in the README.

Just a dumb question: Pages that uses events are cached?

@rainerborene: Yup, by default it’s done by URL so if the URL doesn’t change then the cached output will be served.

@Makenosound It would be great if your extension supports gzip compression. Any possibility of implementing that?

Shouldn’t gzip compression be enabled on the server (Apache)? Here’s an example from one of my .htaccess files:

# setup compression w/ mod_deflate
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/x-javascript

@rainerborene: I had considered adding it, but as Michael notes, you can just enable it in Apache anyway.

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