
Hi @all

My language selector does work more or less but i won't do give out some other link names but i can't access them. i think its a small thing but i didn't find out...

my template look like this:

<xsl:template name="sprachwahl">
    <xsl:param name="supported-language-codes" select="/data/events/language-redirect/supported-languages/item/@handle"/>
    <xsl:param name="current-language-code" select="/data/events/language-redirect/current-language/@handle"/>
        <xsl:for-each select="$supported-language-codes">
                    <xsl:when test=". = $current-language-code">
                        <span><xsl:value-of select="."/></span>
                   <a href="{$root}/{.}{$parent-path}/{$current-page}"><xsl:value-of select="."/></a>

the output in debug mode look like this:

            <current-language handle="en">EN</current-language>
                <item handle="de">DE</item>
                <item handle="fr">FR</item>
                <item handle="en">EN</item>

and the html looks like this:

<div class="grid-2 box1"> 
          <a href="">de</a> 
          <a href="">fr</a> 

but id should look like this:

<div class="grid-2 box1"> 
          <a href="">DE</a> 
          <a href="">FR</a> 

so i want to give out the language names in capital letters

any idea?

thanks for advice


Use css to change the markup for the a href to capitols.. .box1 a, .box1 span{text-transform:uppercase;} It's better to alter presentation in CSS rather than the code.

Your code works as expected

<a href="{$root}/{.}{$parent-path}/{$current-page}"><xsl:value-of select="."/></a>

outputs $root + / + current language code + $parent-path (in your case /) + / + $current-page + / + de + / + / + startseite

Thanks to moonoo2 that was the right tipp! Sometimes its too easy to see!


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