

maybe this has already been answered but i could not find anything about it. has someone come up with a managable way to call in a translation from an xml (value-of, call-template ...) and pass variable parts. like you would do in php

It's done. See the docs from FL : Utility. Honestly, until today I didn't know how to implement it. I was wishing this since summer last year :)

@vlad: in what way is this different from the str:replace template (other than that it is called fl__)? The fl:__ function looks nice, but I think I still prefer the XSLT way using xsl:key instead.

Ha-ha, good one. Didn't notice that str:replace() accepts node-sets as well, not only strings => the fl__ template appeared.

I think I'll rework this into fl:__ function. This function exists because there may be more items with same handle in various places in translations tree. With my limited understanding of xsl:key, that's the way I think it should go.

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