
A new extension, "Clone Sections" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

I realised there already exists an extension very similar to this. However, I think these two can coexist peacefully. Mine allows you to create a selection of sections and clone them all at once, while Duplicate Section does it one at a time from the edit screen.

Installing both is a good move as they seem to compliment each other.

Duplicate Section

Can you please change the GitHub link from Extension page? Use instead. Thanks!

Sounds awesome but I can't think of many use-cases. If one needs very similar Sections would that not be indication of something not quite right in the setup?

Or am I missing something? (very possible, apologies in advance ;) )

Some tiny issues: you link to a git:// protocol. Better to link to

Also: there's a couple of references to WebHooks in your ReadMe. You probably want to search-replace WebHooks with Clone_Sections :P

If one needs very similar Sections would that not be indication of something not quite right in the setup?

Not necessarily - it depends. While combining data into a single section might be the most optimized structure it might make things complicated for authors. I notice that a lot when talking to clients: having separated sections often makes the system easier to understand for them.

@Nils Good points: It's often either 'generic-but-more-options' (less userfriendly) or 'specific-but-less-DRY'…

(slightly) Off-topic: At first I thought this extension was about cloning Sections across projects. This has got me thinking again about the Packages extension. I would love the option of packaging re-usable Symphony 'apps' (for use across projects).

@vladG All fixed, thanks for pointing that out!
@davidhund I ran into an issue while testing the WebHooks extension where I'd constantly create new sections. It got kind of tedious, so I thought I'd learn a bit more about Symphony and throw it together. I understand that most people won't use it except for specific edge cases like mine, but I still think it's useful.

As always, a fun exercise!

(slightly) Off-topic: At first I thought this extension was about cloning Sections across projects. This has got me thinking again about the Packages extension. I would love the option of packaging re-usable Symphony 'apps' (for use across projects).

Have you seen Scaffolds? It's a lightweight extension that allows you to export/import sections from a JSON definition.

@brendo I've seen Scaffolds (and forgot about it ;) ) and looks awe.and-then.some…

I've yet to use it but it looks like it addresses one aspect of the issue of 'reusable apps' (namely re-creating the sections). What I am looking for, and what Packages extension seems to do, is wrap up all aspects of an 'app': Sections, Pages, DS'es.

Anyway, it's always nice to know there are various ways of dealing with (parts of-) this: Clone Sections, Scaffolds, and the Packages extension. Thanks!

@wilhelm: Should we merge our two extensions ?

@Nitriques: Might be worth while, sure.

Ok cool, next time I play with this extension I'll check to see how your code could be merged.

Does this work with Symphony 2.2.5? I'm not seeing any option to clone sections, whether I have 0, 1 or more sections selected, in the "With Selected..." actions.

The button appears in section edit view, next to Delete.

The button appears in section edit view, next to Delete.

I think that's what the Duplicate Section extension does. I believe Clone Sections works from the Sections listing page.

Ohh, my bad. Sorry.

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