
I have a section with a file upload. Uploading the file in the first place works perfectly, however when I go back into the record to edit the file (if, say, I edit one of the other fields and leave the file upload alone) I receive the following error.

"There was a problem rendering this page. Please check the activity log for more details."

Very vague and there's nothing in the logs.

I'm on Webfaction. Anybody else have a similar problem?

bump.. Can anyone help me out with this one? It has me stumped at the moment..

Well, the guys that have the knowledge to help you are all busy this weekend as the Symposium is on the way ...

Better luck monday, I think.

That error occurs in a rare situation where 'something' has flagged an Alert with a type of 'error', but has not provided an error message.

Can you give some more information about your setup? What version of Symphony, what's your server, what version of PHP etc. Have you checked that your file permissions are correct?

I'm also curious if this occurs for all your sections with Upload fields, or just a particular section. If so, what fields are in that section that causes issues?

So I found the problem.. The file.upload.php checks for the security of the file by making sure that it's not using any directory backtracks, the offending regular expression is this one:

$file = WORKSPACE . preg_replace(array('%/+%', '%(^|/)../%'), '/', $data);

However that "../" checks for any directory fragment that is 2 letters long (as in my case, I have a directory called "ul". I had changed that for the image validation on line 323, but I hadn't realised that it was repeated on line 434.

The corrected line now looks like:

$file = WORKSPACE . preg_replace(array('%/+%', '%(^|/)\.\./%'), '/', $data);

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