
Hello, what would be the best way/method to detect items from a certain section that are not included in a certain subsection manager, to find them and delete them - for cleaning.

i think i could figure it out with SQL, I'm wondering if there is a slightly less low level method perhaps before I get my hands dirty with the database J

my (extremely hacky) approach would probably be a page with 2 datasources: one that pulls in the subsection in question, and the parent section that contains this subsection via ssm. with some clever xslt, you can compare the two to come up with which entries aren't being referenced by the parent section.

from there, you can either create an event that marks the unused entries via an extra checkbox field and sort by that field in the back end, or simply look at the list and delete manually.

You will need a custom script to find orphans as the extension itself doesn't provide that functionality. Would be a nice thing to have though.

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