
Nested Cats provides nested categories functionality. As example:

    - Pandas
    - Tigers
    -- Usual
    -- Albino
    - Giraffes
    - Bamboo
    - Meat
    - Grass


  • “Categories” admin page, Field and Data Source.
  • Creating, moving, deleting nested categories. Moving and deleting whole subtree (branch).
  • Per field root category selection. You can choose subtree as root category for a field. Only categories from this subtree will be displayed at Publish Entry page.
  • Full categories tree output with “Nested Cats” Data Source.


Download at Github

Right now it only outputs the level chosen and not the parent level. What would be handy is if it was able to group the categories by the nested category as well as the parent category.

Nevermind... I got it. Great extension!!!

This sounds great! I can't wait to try it out. Thanks!

Feature request: The ability to have the categories list alphabetically automatically on the back-end.

Right now I’m adding categories as I need them and while that’s fine for short lists I know I’m going to be looking at a list of 100+ as time goes on and having them sort automatically would be a BIG help.

hi, dougoftheabaci. Glad you’re using this extension)

Feature request: The ability to have the categories list alphabetically automatically on the back-end.

Implementing this is quite tricky at my first look. That’s because of data structure and algorythm used for this realisation of tree.

I’ll try to figure it out, but can’t promise fast result. Another feature that (possibly :) will be implemented - drag reordering.

Andrey, this extension looks really interesting. I haven’t installed yet, but does the Field have the option to “allow multiple”, using a multi-select box?

Also, will you be adding this to the Downloads section?

I can comment on that. It doesn’t have multiple selections. That would be rather handy but it’s not a requisite for me based on what I’m using it for.

Also, and I don’t know if this is a Symphony bug or one for this extension but I’m currently working on a website that has a form-filter. When I try to filter based on this field I can filter by one option, but not multiple options. However, when I transitioned to a select box instead it worked.

Hi, I’m a newbie symphony-enthosiast and I’m using Nested Cats -plugin. The menus in my sites are working fine, only I would like to be able to change the order in th editor. Is this possible?

eg. (swapping news with products)

  • News
  • Products
  • Contact


  • Products
  • News
  • Contact

I think, this extension is exactly what I’m looking for, but I’m unable to try it out because the extension is no longer available on the github site…

Is there any alternative to this extension?

Actually it is on Github, I found it on someone’s package. However it doesn’t work so well on 2.0.7. Search for “sym-extensions” on Github!

And it is exactly what I’m looking for too!

Hi guys. Some time ago i’ve been deleted the extension from my Github. Sorry for that.

I believe I’ll push a beta version of Nested Cats 2 in a few hours. Wait a little, please)

Wow, sounds awesome! Thanks andrrr

I don’t know why this has been depracated, it still works well, and with a slight modification (below) works with 2.0.8RC3 also!

for 2.0.8, change the below function

    public function fetchNavigation(){
        return array(
                'location' => 10,
                'children' => array(
                        'name' => __('List View'),
                        'link' => '/list/'
                        'name' => __('Tree View'),
                        'link' => '/tree/'

to this

    public function fetchNavigation(){
        return array(
                'location'  => 'Categories',
                'name'  => 'List View',
                'link'  => '/list/'
                'location'  => 'Categories',
                'name'  => 'Tree View',
                'link'  => '/tree/'

BTW, I still use this, hence the update!

I think it’s been depreciated because there’s a new version coming?

Or because the original owner doesn’t want to hassle of maintaining?

If I knew enough about Symphony architecture, I’d offer to maintain… Seems the only issue so far was the fetchNavigation() function needed updating to the new method…

…Which I find in a lot of useful extensions I like!

Seems the only issue so far was the fetchNavigation() function needed updating to the new method

Yep me too, this changed in Symphony 2.0.6 or 2.0.7, and I guess some extensions haven’t been updated regularly. Once 2.0.8 is out and stable, I hope we can update as many extensions as possible and use 2.0.8 as a baseline.

Yeah. I do like the way that most fetchNavigation functions will still work with the old method, but I totally agree.

Maybe a backwards compatiable method of updating? Checking install version numbers or such?

I wouldn’t know how to do that…

Ok, so I have been having trouble with the navigation menu again, since I had to do a full reinstall today.

The following is the correct way to get the menu working…

    public function fetchNavigation(){
        return array(
                'name' => __('Categories'),
                'children' => array(
                        'name' => __('List View'),
                        'link' => '/list/'
                        'name' => __('Tree View'),
                        'link' => '/tree/'

I think we could do with a definitive guise about this sort of stuff ;)

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