
A new extension, "Field: Image upload" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Of course Advanced Upload Field exists, but @jonas mentioned he will not support it and I don't need the resize feature.

Thanks Vlad et. al!

I wonder, though, about the choice to add a minimum constraint and not a maximum? In my experience I've often found clients adding images that are (way) too large, but seldom too small. Also: images that are too small are merely a nuisance (layout/style wise), but images that are too large are more 'dangerous' in that they could cause memory issues etc.

I realize it would be a substantial extra coding effort but would love a feature that automatically crops images > a maximum size.

Hmm, good point about maximum. I was using Resize upload extension for maximum limits but now thinking, that extension applies same values to all upload fields.

I'll add needed stuff in a few days, at most during the weekend. Will use the same idea as Resize Upload (image magick processing), but only optional.

Wow, that would be great. Be sure to check some other extensions: I think I have seen some other ideas about this floating around the forum. Thanks Vlad!

I wonder how would it be when one guy will ask for a Multilingual Image Upload :)) ........

Well, obviously, that would be ridiculous… :P

Field: Image upload updated to version 1.1 on 16th of November 2011

  • Added support for maximum width / height with smart resize using JIT mode 1.

Well ... why use imagemagick when JIT is around? :D

If you want to use @klaftertief's Image Cropper, you'll need to manually apply the patches existing in the pull requests queue.

Thanks guys, awesome! I'll be sure to use this in an upcoming project.


You're welcome.

ah, you fooled me with the xander_group there ;)

Field: Image upload updated to version 1.1.1 on 17th of November 2011

  • Removed unnecessary code for Imagemagick.

Field: Image upload updated to version 1.1.2 on 17th of November 2011

  • max_width and max_height columns were missing from field table ... My bad :)

Field: Image upload updated to version 1.1.3 on 17th of November 2011

  • Refined image dimension maximum limits discovery. It now properly resizes images so the result fits both max_width and max_height.
  • Increased desired image quality from 80 to 85.

This should do it ...

@vladG: Why are you using the forum with multiple identities? It's somehow confusing.

They will diverge from next week on. So no more confusion will exist.

Hi i'm pretty new to Symphony and i'm trying to use the image upload field but the resizing seems to be not working. Maybe, i forgot something but really don't know. Images are successfully uploaded to my destination folder but in original resolution.

Here is my configuration Symphony 2.2.5 Image Upload 1.1.6 JIT extension enabled and good .htaccess rewrite rule

Working on localhost PHP 5.3.8 on windows 7 with WampServer Apache 2.2.21 modrewrite and phpgd2 activated

No error on manifest/logs

Thanks for your help

See this issue. It's a problem with JIT. Apply the fix described there and it will work.

This extension is giving this error on a server with open_basedir restriction, when resaving an entry... any ideas how to solve this?

Schermafbeelding 2012-04-05 om 19.16.59.png

It's already fixed. See latest version(1.1.7 atm).

Perfect, thanks... i was still using 1.1.6 :)

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