
Hey people. I'm building a website and I'd like to effectively create my own voting system.

What I want to do is add the upvote/downvote feature from reddit using: their sourcecode from git. I'd like this to be compatible with both comments and articles from two pages of my site. Maybe, eventually once I implement members to use it similarly for a karma system but that's way down the pipeline yet.

Only.. I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Github is pretty new to me and I'm fairly sure there's a lot of things in their sourcecode that I don't really want/need. Also I'm only really familiar with PHP, SQL and HTML/CSS.. Any java stuff is going to leave me totally dumbfounded. Also, my progress with this so far goes to the extent of reading a few of the documents on github. I've not brought anything into my site yet or physically implemented anything.

Any help would be very greatly appreciated. My site is still under development so trial and error is no problem!

Thanking you!

The Member Claims extension might be a much easier way.

I'll just add a precautionary note: I modeled individual votes into a Section on a project, and it became an issue once the votes started to really add up. This was on an earlier version of Symphony, so performance may have improved, but if you can find a more efficient way to track the member-vote relationship, I'd recommend it.

I recently used Member Claims for voting and it was spot on.

Hmm.. Well I'll look into it for sure. Will that let me stick votes on articles/comments? Or is it more like a karma system??

Will be handy for keeping it up to date I guess. I'll let you know :)

It's a boolean yes/no (claimed or not), the same as a "Like" button.

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