
A new Extension, “Calendar Overlay” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Nice! Thanks, Rowan.

This is all you've done? You're so lazy ;)

Looking forward to the time slider...

This is great! Would it be possible that you use jQuery.noConflict(); to get this working beside other JavaScript libraries?

It's so nice to have this back. I missed it since 1.1.7. :-) though I'm not really sure why default colors are dark, when symphony is light...

Thanks Rowan, great extension.

I found a bug though: the calender is not shown when "Pre-populate this field with today's date" is unchecked. Also, is there any way to make the date field optional?


Doesn’t work with 2.0.3


Original version doesn’t use jQuery’s no conflict mode. I use My fork in 2.0.3.

I think jQuery comes in 2.0.3, right? If so, we could do away with this extension’s own copy of it…


Sorry I don’t know much about jQuery, so I wouldn’t have guessed.

Thanks for that.

ashooner, have you submitted your changes back to Rowan for merging? It would be great to keep the “official” home of this extension up to date.

No I didn’t; I wasn’t sure about just removing jQuery as I mentioned. I agree though, would be best to keep an official & functioning version.

This doesn’t work in 2.0.4 - well it doesn’t work when I choose to Create New.

Thanks, Rowan.

This is exactly what I’m looking for.

I still can’t help to think to myself how the original calendar in symphony 1.7 better fit to design than this one. On white surface better fits white overlay with dark letters than that dark one.

Calendar Overlay updated to version 1.0.5 on 30th of November 2009


  • Fixes to allow for empty date fields.

there seems to be a bug with 2.0.7 (haven’t tested on 2.0.6). When you save a date where the day is between 1-12, and say the date is february 12th, 2010 (2010-02-12) the date saves as december 2nd, 2010 (2010-12-02). Any day 13+, the date saves correctly.

The date in this image is june 3rd, 2009 (pre save):

this is post save march 6th 2009:

This is a bug in the dateJS framework.

any time frame on changing that or no?

I’m not sure if dateJS is still actively developed but we have the same problem in the Date and Time extension so there is definitely a need for a fix. The problem is that dateJS support international dates which means that the 1st of december 2010 can either be written as 2010/12/01 or 2010/01/12 (European vs. American style). Maybe defining the used format and using parseExact() instead of parse() will fix the problem.

Edit: Mootools More integrated an up-to-date version of the dateJS framework including localisation. I’m not sure how much it relies on the Mootools framework but this could be a starting point:

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