
I changed my section "Articles" to "Shows." I went in and changed it all throughout the system and everything works perfectly (the entries display), but the comments dont show up. They get saved into the system successfully, but they don't get displayed with the entry. Any ideas for what I may be doing wrong? Thanks.

Hey Aram,

Wanna Pastie or Gist your XML and XSLT? And maybe post your DS info too?

Ok.. I made the dumbest mistake I could possibly make! I forgot to change the Parameter in the commenting Data Source! It works!!


It's not stupid. Parameters get real complicated real quick.

The last site I built, I make a field called "system date" even though that name is taken by default in Symphony for the creation date of the entry. Every time I create a data source and need the date, I have to guess which one to use. I'd change it, but I did it everywhere I needed a date, so I'm just dealing with it. ;-)

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