
Hi. I recently managed to get a symphony installation working smoothly (thanks to webfaction installing it for me! :)

Though I have a small problem when I clone an extension then Enable it and try to visit the Extensions Pane. This isn't all extensions. Mostly back-end specific ones I think?

The errors look pretty much like this every time:

Fatal error: Class Extension_Duplicate_Entry contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Extension::about) in /home/etch/webapps/symphony/extensions/duplicate_entry/extension.driver.php on line 67


Fatal error: Class extension_order_entries contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Extension::about) in /home/etch/webapps/symphony/extensions/order_entries/extension.driver.php on line 81

corresponding to whichever one is causing the issue. All others seem to be working fine. I've checked the line and it is always on the closing curly brace..

I wouldn't mind but it is extensions I enjoy like Order Entries, Duplicate Entries, Dashboard. Some others. Plus I can't go in to add new extensions and so on.

Anyone know what's up? Am I perhaps missing another extension required to run them or something ..?

Cheers :c)

You have probably some extensions installed that are already updated for the upcoming Symphony 2.3. Try replacing the extensions with versions made for your Symphony version.

Cool I'll give it a go now and see how it goes. I did wonder just after I posted this, snooping around on the github pages.

While I'm at it though.. Is there any difference between cloning an extension and submoduling it?? As in, when it comes to pulling updates for them? What if I've already cloned it? Does it matter if I submodule it, thought it exists? I could maybe add it to my .git files but I imagine that wouldn't work. At least not when I do it hah ;]

I should probably stick with google for those things.

Essentially its the same thing from my understanding. The difference is when you submodule - the 'top' git clone (symphony) knows that it contains submodules so when you update it excludes the submoduled sections - as these are separate to the parent. Should make it easier to maintain your code updated.

Yeah that's right. My host reinstalled symphony after I ballsed it up on my lunchbreak today. So for now I've just avoided 2.3 extensions. I have decided to use submodules all round now. Also the symphony-extensions site is super awesome! It should be in the quick links at the bottom here.

Anyway, I am happy to finally have this thing working. Shared hosts have made it virtually impossible for me in the past but now I can really make something!! After like.. 2 years of trying lol. Excellent. Props to Doug for sending me here. The general approach here is my exact take on web design. Plus you're all A class developers. Beautiful piece of software. and webfaction rule. and. stuff. cool.

Thanks guys.

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