
Hi guys,

Has anybody done this before? I've got two sections A and B each containing a tag list field. I'd like to filter entries in a section A by tags from one entry of section B. I've created created a datasource with one entry from section B that outputs the tag list field as a parameter $ds-tags. I've also created a datasource based on section A. I filter the tag list field with {$ds-tags}. If I include only datasource A in the front end page, nothing gets filtered. I get all the entries from section A. If I include both datasources, nothing through. The datasource A is empty.

Would anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks a lot.

What happens if you include only datasource B?
Can you show the xml?

This is the xml in datasource B. This will always come as it is whether datasource A is included or not.

Datasource B

And this is Datasource A when Datasource B is not included. There is only one entry for reference.

There' doesn't seem to be anything wrong
I made a replica of your set-up and the problem seems to be in the tag list field
When i replace the tag-field with a selectbox (dynamicly populated by the tag-list field in section a, and the option to allow multiple)
Then output this field as a parameter in the ds and it works
The parameter from the tag-list and the selectbox have the exact same values...
So this is pretty strange, don't know what's going on here...

Thank you so much Cremol. This is working perfectly.

That's definitely a filtering issue in the tag list field. Can you post a bug on the github repo?

@ odivust: you're welcome, the selectbox does the job well
posted the issue on github

Thanks for the bug report, it's been fixed in this commit if you need to patch your current install.

Now that's quick! thanks

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