
Allen, there is a new version of DTR out; maybe a good opportunity to port the dtr campfire over?

Thanks newnomad. I will look at doing that sometime this week.

Is it usefull to group all requests for which campfires to extend first in here, or is that beyond the bugs first scope ;-) anyway my vote goes to the picasa fetch.

My vote goes to a brillant section search extension! (Plus "Advanced author and user rights management", of course.)

I second the above. All of them ;)

I'm going to back michael-e.

I'm also looking for advanced author and user rights management - porting the Author Registration CS to Symphony 2 Extensions.

OK, here is my third extension idea: Wouldn't it be great if we had basic spam recognition like in Symphony 1.7? Especially automated spam flagging based on the number of links could be useful. And of course a "delete all spam comments" button. To be honest, I do not really know what this check referer when comments are posted option did in version 1.7, but maybe it could be useful as well.

(I have seen the updated Akismet extension, of course, which is probably the best way to reduce spam. But maybe in certain cases some basic functions like in S1.7 could do the trick.)

There is an interesting article about spam recognition on, by the way.

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