
I am trying to provide a Greek translation for Symphony and the localisationmanager extension is helping with generating the files needed. The thing is that even though there is a lang.el.php inside the symphonyliblang and the $settings['symphony']['lang'] is set to 'el' the translated strings do not seem to get used at all.

Am I doing something wrong?

Symphony translations are provided via extensions. /symphony/lib/lang is only used internally. Have a look at the Italian localisation as a simple example:

The extension's name has to start with lang_ to be recognized as translation – in your case lang_greek. If you copy the Italian example, do the following:

  • Rename the folder to lang_greek
  • Rename the class name inside extension.driver.php to extension_lang_greek
  • Remove /lang/ and add lang.el.php to /lang
  • Replace the content of all files with your own (readme, licence, meta data)

Your translations will be available in the backend as soon as you enable your new extension in the backend.

Hope that helps.

@Nils Thanks a lot, that is really informative. I wonder how come this information is not in documentation. Or is it?

@nickdunn: Ah, in the Articles... sorry for not looking there for documentation ;) Cheers

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