
I have 2 websites using Symphony 2.2.5.

Just one has a column called "children" in Blueprint > Pages that, of course, shows the number of children with a link to them. Where did it come from? Another 2.3 website also does NOT have this column.

How can i enable it for all? Can i have a children column in the entries pages as well? So i can better manage nested categories for example!

Where did it come from

I think there is a setting in the config file to enable this, nested_children or something similar.

Can i have a children column in the entries pages as well? So i can better manage nested categories for example!

Nope. Fields that create relationships such as the Select Box Link give the option of adding a column with the count of related entries (parent/child), but for nested categories in this way you will need an extension.

That's right: 'pages_table_nest_children' => 'no' inside ###### SYMPHONY ######

How could an extension do that? Could you please give me some direction so maybe i can try it?

Thanks Nick!

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