
So Guys, I've been working on an oAuth extension for 2.3 for some time and I got the authentication + data-sources working perfectly.

Now I was trying to venture into Events, Ideally I would like to create custom events that do the following:

  1. Take a user post request
  2. Read all post-fields and re-encode
  3. Submit this post to an external provider & return success/error2.
  4. Allow Administrator to define which oAuth he wants to use and the url.

This would basically allow users to create new events for posting status updates to multiple systems, as well as other post requests such as comments & wall posts.

Any clue if the above is possible or I would have to hard-code each event?

As one off custom events provided by an extension, they wouldn't be too difficult to do. Also you could think of providing event filters that would trigger on specific input on the post array. Of course the urls would have to be hardcoded, which fails against your requirement to allow an admin to specify them.

To allow admins of Symphony to create these custom events at will would require an interface a little more like the datasource editor has. From what I've read and seen of the new Providers concept in 2.3, that is currently for datasources, I reckon that will be expanded to events also, which would mean extensions can do exactly what you want to achieve. As for the timeline on this, I'm unsure.

Currently, it could be achieved with extension pages in the backend. You could create an interface that would allow choosing of an event template (oAuth method) and a url to use, satisfying both requirements. It would be a bit of work though...

Hmm as I thought - I've already used the Datasource one for 2.3 and its brilliant at that!

Most likely I will specify some fields that have to be passed to the event to fill up the missing bits I need, as I'd rather keep it flexible and one Event for now. Then eventually use an Event Interface when we have one.

I would probably have a post for the oAuth Provider (facebook,twitter etc) and another for the Path where it has to be sent to each oAuth. All the other fields would be converted to be posted back to the oAuth system.

Guess I'll be having some fun with that this evening.

Oh it's all fun!

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