
happy Monday,

In my master.xsl I have a script that calls this:

 <xsl:for-each select='slider-background/entry/images/filename'>
       **"/workspace/<xsl:value-of select='.'/>",**

Now the issue is that this code works great from the homepage but when in the subpages ie the code will not work since the path is now wrong. For it to work I have to use:

<xsl:for-each select='slider-background/entry/images/filename'>
           **"../workspace/<xsl:value-of select='.'/>",**

Should I just use absolute url?

in these cases you could use these two variables in xslt. $root when you want to refer to your website. eg or $workspace when you want to go directly to your workspace eg

ah ok. That makes sense. It's interesting that, that variable doesn't work within the javascript block. Prolly because it would assume it's a js variable???


what do you mean within the javascript block?

If you're using it within javascript (&xslt combined) you have to use it normally like any other xslt variable

<xsl:value-of select='$workspace'/>

If you use CData blocks; you'd have to close them and open them again. As it would be interpreted as text.

        <xsl:for-each select='slider-background/entry/images/filename'>
       "../workspace/<xsl:value-of select='.'/>",

      ], {
          fade: 750,
          duration: 4000

For some reason if I use the $workspace variable in place of just workspace it does not work.

For some reason if I use the $workspace variable in place of just workspace it does not work.

The reason behind this is actually very simple: when you are using the {$variable} syntax, you are using the fact that this is invalid xml: <tag attribute="<xsl:value-of select="$variable"/>"/>. To work around this, the curly brackets are invented, so it becomes: <tag attribute="{$variable}"/>. Now, this is only needed inside attributes, so that's the only place where this notation works.

If you wanted to output the workspace url in your javascript, this would work:

    <xsl:for-each select='slider-background/entry/images/filename'>
    "<xsl:value-of select='concat($workspace, "/", .)'/>",

  ], {
      fade: 750,
      duration: 4000

wow, ok that makes sense. Man I was trying some shady stuff.. ha.


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