
Hi Guys,

i have some trouble getting a multistep filtering in a ds chain right. basically i want to filter one datasource with the ds-param-output of another using the intersection operator.

so i have a ds filter-category which takes a url-param of some ids and outputs $ds-filter-category.system-id. so if i provide say ids 89 and 133 in the url-param the ds-param holds two items. if i filter the category-field of my second ds products with $ds-filter-category.system-id i get all entries using the union operator.

i would need to be able to select the operator alongside the filter in the ds-editor. like so:

filter field: category (subsection manager)
filter by value: {$ds-filter-category.system-id}
filter using: intersection operator (dropdown)

is there some way to do this without this kind of interface?

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