18 June 2013


Multiple Uploads

This extension adds multiple file upload facilities to Symphony backend.

It depends on this fork of SelectBox Link Plus.


  • UI for multiple file upload on section index (drag & drop).
  • UI for multiple file upload on entry single (drag & drop).


Take a section called Images with Title (Input) and Image (File upload).

To enable multiple file upload for this section, create a Mapper for this section.

A Mapper is a PHP Class located in /extensions/multiple_uploads/lib/upload/.

Mapper filename: class.SECTION_HANDLEuploadhandler.php
Mapper class name: SECTION_NAMEUploadHandler

Example for Images section:

filename: class.imagesuploadhandler.php
class name: ImagesUploadHandler

Example for Personal attachments section:

filename: class.personal_attachmentsuploadhandler.php
class name: Personal_AttachmentsUploadHandler

There already is a mapper for the Images section. Modify it to suit your needs.

Section index

For each section that has a mapper, on their index page will be added a button to upload multiple files. Use it.

Entry single

This extension provides a field for multiple uploads.

Create a section Events with Title (Input) and Images (SBL+). For Images field, uncheck the Enable Create button checkbox.

After creating the section, add a field called Upload new images (Multiple uploads) and under Related View select Images. Save section.

NB: SBL+ in conjunction with Multiple Uploads used this way are designed to sit under their own Publish tab.

Visit a new entry in Events section and use the interface.


Discuss this Extension


2.7.10 Unsure
2.7.9 Unsure
2.7.8 Unsure
2.7.7 Unsure
2.7.6 Unsure
2.7.5 Unsure
2.7.4 Unsure
2.7.3 Unsure
2.7.2 Unsure
2.7.1 Unsure
2.7.0 Unsure
2.6.11 Unsure
2.6.10 Unsure
2.6.9 Unsure
2.6.8 Unsure
2.6.7 Unsure
2.6.6 Unsure
2.6.5 Unsure
2.6.4 Unsure
2.5.4 Unsure

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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