28 June 2012


Versioning for Symphony CMS

Entry versioning and recycling

Please read this first:

This is an expeimental release, that is meant for community testing. Please do not use this extension for production environments (yet).

So, what is it good for?

This extensions tries to provide a tool to improve your daily redactional workflow with Symphony CMS by adding the ability to save entry as versions.

Versions are stored in a seperate database table and can be previewed at any time. Once you my have previewed a former entry version and have decided to restore it, just hit the restore button and you are done.

Do I need to keep all versions I have created?

No, you don’t. You can pick certain versions and delete them or delete them all at once. (Note: deleting versions is not recoverable).

You said, deleting versions is not recoverable. So, deleting entries is?

Yepp. Deleted Entries are stored in the versions table and marked as deleted.

Deleted entries are shown in a drawertable on you publish index pages. You my pick a particular deleted entry form here and restore it. All versions that were saved with this entry are restored as well.

Ok, you got my attention. Give me more

Hold on, there is still much work to do. But stay tuned :)


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2.7.10 Unsure
2.7.9 Unsure
2.7.8 Unsure
2.7.7 Unsure
2.7.6 Unsure
2.7.5 Unsure
2.7.4 Unsure
2.7.3 Unsure
2.7.2 Unsure
2.7.1 Unsure
2.7.0 Unsure
2.6.11 Unsure
2.6.10 Unsure
2.6.9 Unsure
2.6.8 Unsure
2.6.7 Unsure
2.6.6 Unsure
2.6.5 Unsure
2.6.4 Unsure
2.5.4 Unsure

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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