Symposium 2011
30 September–2 October 2011
Cologne, Germany

What it is

After the great success of the Symphony Symposium 2010 in London, we are happy to announce the second gathering of Symphony enthusiasts: The Symphony Developer Conference 2011 in Cologne, Germany. From beginners to experts, this three-day event from September 30 to October 2, 2011 invites all designers, coders and XSLT lovers working with Symphony to join the talks and discussions.

Click here to lend your support to: Symposium 2011: Symphony Developer Conference, Cologne, Germany and make a donation at !

As we are expecting a lot of foreign guests, the conference will be held in English.

What's on the Agenda

Friday, September 30th

Time Topic
10:00 Arrival and breakfast snacks
11:00 Allen Chang, @allen
Symphony Technical Lead, Australia • Symphony Team:
11:30 “Barcamp”-style sessions
introduction of the participants combined with small-ish project presentations (backend sneak peeks, glimpse into work flow / work ethic, advanced XSL, APIs and JSON, Git workflows)
16:00 Community Sightseeing
ideas: tour of the Cologne Cathedral / boat trip / walking around the city center
19:00 – Dinner –

Saturday, October 1st

Time Topic
9:00 Allen Chang, @allen
Symphony Technical Lead, Australia • Symphony Team:
The Future of Symphony
10:00 Nils Werner, @phoque
Web Developer, Germany • Symphony Core WG:
Using Git
11:00 Jonas Coch, @klaftertief
Web Developer, Germany • Symphony UX/UI WG:
Managing Multilingual Content
12:00 Nick Dunn, @nickdunn
Head of User Experience, Airlock, UK • Symphony UX/UI WG:
A Brief Introduction To Search
13:00 – Lunch Break –
14:00 Nils Hörrmann, @Nils
Web Designer, Germany • Symphony UX/UI WG and
Simone Economo, @eKoeS
Student of Computer Science and Engineering, Italy • Symphony UX/UI WG:
Symphony 2.3 Interface Realign
15:00 Stephen Bau, @bauhouse
Lead Designer, Domain7, Canada • Symphony Advocacy WG:
Modular Site Development
16:00 Johanna Hörrmann, @Johanna
Communication Designer, Germany:
Introducing Symphony
17:00 Huib Keemink, @creativedutchmen
Web Developer, Netherlands • Symphony Core WG:
Michael Eichelsdörfer, @michael-e
Web Developer, Germany • Symphony Core WG
Email Power in Symphony
18:00 – Break –
19:00 – Dinner at Mercato Deluxe –

Sunday, October 2nd

How can we improve Symphony? Open discussions and development sessions:

A Author workflow in the Symphony backend:
How do we implement an author workflow? How could the Symphony core help us? Can we improve the core functionality and/or UI? (e.g.: relationship management, subsections)
B Symphony extensions: Duplicate extensions, quality issues etc.
C Symphony 2.3 UI
D Symphony 2.3 default ensemble

It would be nice if other Symphony users and developers could join the discussions via Chat. (Time slots will be announced during the weekend.)

The German Symphony community would love to welcome you!

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements
  • PHP 5.2 or above
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 4.1 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

Compatible Hosts