• Classes

    • General

      General is a utility class that offers a number miscellaneous of functions that are used throughout Symphony.

  • Constants

    • __SECURE__

      If HTTPS is on, __SECURE__ will be set to true, otherwise false.

    • _SERVER

      The filesystem path to the main file which is contained within the manifest/logs folder.


      Returns the folder name for Symphony as an application

    • ASSETS

      The filesystem path to the assets folder which is contained within the symphony folder.

    • bInsideInstaller
    • BOOT

      The filesystem path to the boot folder which is contained within the symphony/lib folder.

    • CACHE

      The filesystem path to the cache folder which is contained within the manifest folder.

    • CONFIG

      The filesystem path to the config.php file which is contained within the manifest folder.


      The filesystem path to the content folder which is contained within the symphony folder.

    • CORE

      The filesystem path to the core folder which is contained within the symphony/lib folder.


      The filesystem path to the data-sources folder which is contained within the workspace folder.


      The filesystem path to the email-gateways folder which is contained within the symphony/lib/toolkit folder.

    • EVENTS

      The filesystem path to the events folder which is contained within the workspace folder.


      The filesystem path to the extensions folder

    • FACE

      The filesystem path to the interface folder which is contained within the symphony/lib folder.


      Returns the current host, ie.


      Returns the User Agent string of the browser that is viewing the current page

    • HTTPS

      Returns the environmental variable if HTTPS is in use.

    • LANG

      The filesystem path to the lang folder which is contained within the symphony/lib folder.


      The filesystem path to the lib folder which is contained within the symphony folder.

    • LOGS

      The filesystem path to the logs folder which is contained within the manifest folder.


      The filesystem path to the manifest folder

    • PAGES

      The filesystem path to the pages folder which is contained within the workspace folder.


      For versions of PHP below 5.2.7, the PHPVERSIONID constant, doesn't exist, so this will just mimic the functionality as described on the PHP documentation


      Returns the IP address of the machine that is viewing the current page.


      Used as a default seed, this returns the time in seconds that Symphony started to load.


      The filesystem path to the symphony folder


      Returns the URL + /symphony.


      The filesystem path to the template folder which is contained within the symphony folder.


      The filesystem path to the text-formatters folder which is contained within the workspace folder.

    • TMP

      The filesystem path to the tmp folder which is contained within the manifest folder.


      The filesystem path to the toolkit folder which is contained within the symphony/lib folder.


      Returns the number of seconds that represent two weeks.

    • URL

      The base URL of this Symphony install, minus the symphony path.


      The filesystem path to the utilities folder which is contained within the workspace folder.


      The filesystem path to the workspace folder

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

Compatible Hosts

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