Hm…Tastes Like Blog
This is where you'll find release announcements, developer podcasts, and periodic updates from the Symphony team. Grab the feed.
Join us in London for Symposium 2010
Do the math. You love Symphony. You dream about data sources and XSLT templates. And you've never told anyone, but you think Allen's just dreamy. What does it all mean? It means you should hop on a plane/train/bus/tuk-tuk/segue/skateboard and get yourself to London for the weekend of 12–13 June.
Symphony 2.0.8RC3
Helping us test this latest release candidate could actually save the entire world. Find out how...
Symphony 2.0.8RC2
Symphony 2.0.8RC2 is now available for download and testing, and you have only yourselves to blame. Plus, an awesome new tool to help you keep your extensions up-to-date.
Introducing the Symcast
This isn't your mother's podcast series. Well, unless Allen is your mother, which would be pretty messed up (although it'd explain why Symphony smells like freshly baked brownies).
Symphony 2.0.7 Stability Update
A patched version of Symphony 2.0.7, containing several stability-related fixes, is now available for download.
A Day with the Symphony Team
A few days ago, Allen grabbed his video camera on the way out the door and started recording his workday. The result is every bit as dramatic and scintillating as you might imagine. Only there’s no dingoes or kangaroo boxing. Go figure.
An Update on Symphony 2
Though the team has been hard at work on all kinds of new Symphony-related awesomeness, we’ve not forgotten about good old Symphony 2. Here’s what you can expect on that front in the near future…
Improving the Section Editor
As development continues on Symphony 2.1, we take a moment to show off an exciting new idea for overhauling the section editor.