Hm…Tastes Like Blog
This is where you'll find release announcements, developer podcasts, and periodic updates from the Symphony team. Grab the feed.
Dev Chat #7
This special episode of developer chat is all about you, the Symphony community. Listen in as Allen and Alistair look back on the history of Symphony and its community, discuss recent and upcoming enhancements to the website, and drop a few enticing tidbits about the team's future plans.
Symphony Team + 1
I'll spare the suspense and cut right to the chase: A long long time ago, in a forest far far away...
I kid, I kid.
Here's the scoop -- as of today, Craig Zheng joins our team! When I said we have something planned, this was it. As many of you know, Craig has been developing with Symphony before I was even born. How is that possible you ask? It's not, but cut my exaggeration by 10 fold and you still get, "a Symphony veteran, whose name is Craig" or something to that effect. What Craig has, something which the rest of the team lacked, was his way with words. And no, Craig didn't try to woo me -- as you trendy kids would say; well, not wittingly at least. Rather, he is a very articulate person and really gets Symphony. Just look at the slab of testimonial with his beautiful words carved on the homepage.
Dev Chat #6
On this episode of developer chat we talk about the new symphony website, version control extension and also the post-apocalyptic world of version 3!
The very special, quite awesome and a wee bit cuddly Rowan Lewis (a.k.a buzzomatic) joins us on Symphony's very first recording inside a $50,000 AUD sound studio!
Symphony 2.0 Lands!
When the elders of an ancient forgotten tribe played with their rain sticks to see if their year-long drought would be graced with rain this season, they've made a misstep in their ritual dance and accidentally foretold that Symphony 2 would arrive today - and it was true.
Dev Chat #5
On this week's developer chat: benchmarking, release status and PHP5-only support and a new sneak peek video.
Dev Chat #4
Alistair and I talk about Symphony 2 beta and the new sneak peek website.
We managed to find half a day, away from Symphony development to put together something for the public. Alistair and I chat for 50 minutes on Symphony and produced 4 sneak peek videos to share with you lot.
Dev Chat #3
Earlier today, I dragged Alistair and Scott for a round of developer death-match but since neither of them were particularly interested in the thought of an abrupt death, we had to settle for an on-a-whim podcast, or whimcast for short. The podcast is 60 minutes worth of unscripted chaos where all subjects relating to Symphony were discussed. Naturally, we left all the juicy bits to the end of the podcast.
Version 2 preview: URL parameters
Tickle-me Elmo tickles URL parameters right back with a vengeance to improve.
To kick off the Symphony 2 preview series in motion, we start by looking at the last piece of the system’s puzzle.