Hm…Tastes Like Blog
This is where you'll find release announcements, developer podcasts, and periodic updates from the Symphony team. Grab the feed.
Getting Symphony the Recognition it Deserves
Stephen Bau, head of Symphony's Advocacy Working Group, has a question for the community: Can Symphony get some love?
Symphony 2.1.1 Release
Symphony 2.1.1 maintenance update is upon us. This time around, we knew we had to be more vigilant with getting updates out in a timely fashion. While we didn't expect to see as many issues as our previous major update releases, the development team had put aside two weeks to monitor any issues after a 2.1 launch.
Symcast Episode 2
Symphony's better. No, I'm not here to start another crazy internet flame-war; "Symphony's Better" is a song by Aram David and you can hear it in this episode of Symcast.
Announcing Symphony 2.1
The Symphony team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Symphony 2.1, codenamed Hot Wallaby Ba—oh, wait, that's right... we don't do codenames here. Sorry.
Announcing Symphony Working Groups
Ok, so you know the A-Team, right? Imagine if their job was to work on Symphony. And they were just as bad-ass, but had no van. Or guns. Or cigars. But there were five teams instead of just one. This is sort of like that. A little.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Right, I’ll get straight to the point. As of 1st July, I am no longer a part of the Symphony Team. Before gasping, celebrating and/or converting to a new religion, this is a lot less dramatic than it might seem. Let us back peddle for a moment.
A Symphony of Many Languages
We’ve always been a global community, but the question of how to internationalize Symphony’s presence on the web is nevertheless a difficult one. At long last, we think we’ve got a plan.
Announcing Symphony 3 beta
The Symphony team is excited to announce the immediate availability of Symphony 3 beta. Released at Symposium 2010 in London, version 3 is a profound evolution of the Symphony platform.