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Closed#475: File Upload Field: Validation rule is inserted as Field Label

If you insert a validation rule for the File Upload Field in the section editor by clicking on “image” or “document”, the regex gets inserted as vaildation rule (which is the expected behaviour) and as the field’s label alike (which is a bug).

Nice spot, this affected all instances of the ‘tagging’ ability.

Fixed in this commit

Brendan, I’m not sure if your fix is working throughout the whole interface. There was a reason why I needed to use the parent selector (can’t remember why at the moment). I’ll check this later today.

If that is the case then those affected areas will need to be adjusted so that their DOM is what the tags plugin expects.

One possible solution to ‘smart guessing’ would be to add a target that the tags should be injected into (possibly as a class). That would allow a more flexible DOM implementation.

This issue is closed.

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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