Closed#73: Formatting of extension descriptions

Extension descriptions convert all headlines to h4 which is not quite good when you try to write a structured text (have a look at the Mediathek description as an example). It would be great to have at least something looking like h3.

Furthermore the source code of the extension overview contains a tag description with the attribute mode="formatted" which looks like pure Symphony XML and seems to be a result of incorrect match in the page templates.

It would be useful to get some feedback from the team as to whether the Description field is intended for pasting in entire docs/readmes, or whether it’s simply for a description of the field.

I’m using my descriptions as a few short sentences or paragraphs to describe what the extension is and what it does. Maintaining docs/readmes in this area seems like a step backward to me, since you lose the ability to version, let alone having to update in two places.

What do you think?

Extension descriptions convert all headlines to h4 which is not quite good when you try to write a structured text

It only converts h1, h2, and h3, and this is to maintain the inherent content hierarchy. You can use h4s and h5s in your descriptions.

Furthermore the source code of the extension overview contains a tag description with the attribute mode=”formatted” which looks like pure Symphony XML and seems to be a result of incorrect match in the page templates.

Fixed, thanks.

It would be useful to get some feedback from the team as to whether the Description field is intended for pasting in entire docs/readmes, or whether it’s simply for a description of the field.

Descriptions should be just that, as you suggest.

We’ll have to look more carefully at whether/how to incorporate proper documentation for extensions.

This issue is closed.

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