
I'm trying to generate a dynamic css rule within the page, such as

  body {
    background-image: url('uploads/<xsl:value-of select="data/detail/entry/sfondo/filename"/>');

But to no avail. Raises some error ("xslt:text content problem")... Thanks!

Your <xsl:value-of... isn't text, so you need to close off the xsl:text element.

Try this instead: <![CDATA=[ body { background-image: url('uploads/]]><![CDATA=['); } ]]>

Well, that broke the forums... please ignore that post Manaus!

Edit: Try this instead:

  body {
    background-image: url("uploads/<xsl:value-of select='data/detail/entry/sfondo/filename'/>");

Try invert the quotes. I use this way and works... Also there's no need of <xsl:text> for this approach.

Your first version is how I do it, but you need to terminate an restart the xsl:text before and after (respectively) the xsl:value-of

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