
I’m preparing to release a few ensembles as repos on Github, but was wondering: what is the best way to create an ensemble for git?

I know I’ve done it a few times before, but seem to do it slightly differently every time since it never works the first time I try. Clone the main Symphony branch, add extensions and the workspace as submodules. What else?

How do you make sure future updates don’t break existing installs (too much)?

I think those are the main points; you have to keep in mind that if you're going to update in between. Queries & changes you do in your ensemble will not be 'pulled-up' automatically by the older installs.

You could use CDI in this case however I would not recommend this; as once you start a new site you are likely to add fields & make changes. Thus somewhat diverging to your original ensamble.

Here's my take on how to build a Symphony ensemble. It's the process I am using to build the new Symphony community site.

Thank you both.

bauhouse: This is terrific. Have you used a submodule for the workspace/? I’m wondering if there are any potential pitfalls I should avoid.

In fact, creating a submodule for the workspace is the approach the I recommend in the documentation for the Symphony Network Ensemble. Keeping the core and workspace separate is the best way to avoid conflicts when updating the Symphony core. Generally, the only differences between the core and the ensemble repository should be the extension submodules.

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