
How do we call two html snippets based on a variable check. I am using one datasource to call all entries from 'section' packages. Also same DS accepts a url parameter to display a single entry.

If '$entry' variable true, show this entry template or packages template.

Here is the code.

Thanks, Noushad.

@noussh - Try this,


what's the xslt tag to call utilities based on different scenario. I have imported two utilities,

<xsl:import href="../utilities/get-packages.xsl"/>
<xsl:import href="../utilities/get-package-entry.xsl"/>

<xsl:when test="$entry!=''">
                    how do i call a utility here


you cannot actually call utilities according to scenarios what you can do is use modes, or different match strings, or call different template names below find the examples. Note that all templates will co-exist if you import them in different utilities. so you might have some overriding each other unless you use different names or modes.

<xsl:template match='/data/data-source/entry' mode='1'>
    do something

<xsl:template match='/data/data-source/entry' mode='2'>
    do something else

<xsl:template name='no-datasource'>
    case no match

    <xsl:when test="$entry!=''">
        <xsl:apply-templates select='/data/data-source/entry' mode='1'/>
        <xsl:call-template name='no-datasource'/>

@ gunglien

Thank you for a clear explanation. It worked.

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