
I'm trying to achieve this structure:

  • Package [section]
    • Group [section]
      • Article Type 1 [section]
      • Article Type 2 [section]
      • Article Type 3 [section]

Each package can contain multiple groups. A group contains about 12 articles of different type [section]. Each article type exists in a different section.

In each group I'd like all the articles to appear in one list so that they could be ordered using drag and drop, as you can with Subsection Manager. Ideally this would be Subsection Manager that can pull from multiple sections.

My question is is there a better way to organise this structure to allow me to select the articles from multiple sections and order them.

I think you can do this with a standard symphony install (as long as you're willing to navigate pages) Just add Order Entries.

If you navigate with the 'linked entries' you will only have group/articles in the related parent section. And you can sort articles as you please across sections if you have no filters.

Option B; would be a custom backend/frontend page which allows you to do your own view/sorting.

Thanks for reply gunglien. Correct me if I'm wrong but using Order Entries will only allow me to order (drag & drop) one section at a time? Each of the Article Types are in a section of their own.

um ok.. thought you would have had the Article Types in same section but with a selectbox or something else identifying the Type... If you have the same structure of article I would reccomend you'd use the same section.

Otherwise it could get a little-bit tricky as you might need a custom-view... but you could still use data from within Order Entries... just change the numbers to reflect your custom drag&drop order.

Thanks for advice gunglien. Ended up all in same section with a type field added. Saved the headache.

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