

Because I want to test drive a update for my site from version 2.2.5. I need to know how I can take take that I use this version and not the latest.

How can I do this ? And can I without problems update it to the newest stable version ? And how do I do that ?

Have you read the readme file? It explains in there.

Yes. But on the new version and the old version I both see git clone git://

So no way I can say which version I want to have.


You can checkout the specific tag you need (2.2.5) by cloning that repo and then you can checkout into a different branch using git checkout -b oldversion 2.2.5

see the git manual for reference

You can also go here to and click the zip button to get that specific tree

Thanks. I was in the impression that 2.2.5 was only a tag not a branch.


The git command that @s_e shared creates a new branch in your local repo, just for you.

As David stated, that checkout will create a branch called oldversion and set the files in the repo to the state they were when 2.2.5 was tagged. You can also switch between versions of the code using checkout again (git checkout master and git checkout oldversion), see your available branches using git branch and see all tags with git tag -l.

Git is magic.

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