
Hi All,

Is there a way to handle user groups for the backend? So I can control what sections certain users can edit or publish to?

Say I have the following sections:

News Products People Quotes

I would like to have something like:

Usergroup 1: News : Can Publish, Can Edit Products: Can't Publish, Can Edit People: Can't Publish, Can't Edit Quotes: Can Publish, Can Edit

And so on.

There's an Author Role-extension that might help with what you want to achieve. Haven't used it myself, though, so I dont know if it can do everything you need out of the box.

Hi Jensscherbi,

Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

@Sanity11, just to make it clear, from my knowledge the extension just hides the menu icons, if they guess the URLs or unhide hiddien fields they would still be saved in symphony.

Just to be aware of the issue in case you were planning to allow third parties access to the backend.

Hi Gunglien, Thanks for the heads up, I will keep that in mind!

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