
Hi, I have an old symphony website on my local server. If I try to login in the back end (correct user and pw) the system still gave me the login page! I can't access the back end even if I type the url to an admin page after I've done the login. I'm sure the pw is correct because if I type it wrong I get the allert "The supplied password was rejected."

Any advice?

thanks daniele

Has the site been updated recently? Do you know what version it is running?

I don't know for sure, but I tink it is a quite old version (years). there is a way to find out the version without logging in the back end? tks daniele

Yeah, it will be in the config file.

ok, it is a 2.1.1 version. in the root folder there are installation and update file (see the attachment) that there aren't in other (working) symphony web site... this could be part of the problem? thanks daniele


I've just tried to make a new installation of symphony 2.1.1 on my local server and I've the same problem! just after the installation I can't access the back end.

what could be the issue?

Those files can be removed after installation; they should not effect the accessibility of your backend.

Interesting one, sadly, I never used that version so I'm not sure what could be the problem.

Do you think an updating could solve the problem?

I've never updated symphony and I don't know the process... there is a way to upgrade to a newer version without having access to the backend?

Ususally if you want to do an update; you would have to copy the core files + possibly extensions. Then if you cannot access the backend; I think you can go directly to install.php or update.php. Don't try to update to the latest version as this will definately not work. try a minor version.

I've had installs running 2.1 don't remember any issues however not sure about 2.1.1 itself. It could be a browser related issue.. did you try using other browsers?

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